EuroGut 2024

Tervetuloa EuroGut 2024 Helsinkiin!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to EuroGut 2024. In a place known as the White city of the North, we come together to exchange ideas, findings, and experiences with others in and outside of our field.
Let the nick name of Helsinki (‘White city of the North’) be your inspiration to be like blanc canvas upon which we add color the next few days and together paint the future of comparative gastroenterology. Please enjoy the presentations and coming together in the Agora (main hall) to meet each other and our sponsors.

Valérie Freiche
President of the ESCG

This web page and meeting app for EuroGut in Helsinki would not have been possible without the dedication, support and hard work of Christophe Sauvage and Florence Pryen from Ormendes. The organizing committee of EuroGut 2024 and the board of the ESCG are grateful for all their time and hard work.